Pet Raw Food Diet Advantages

More Benefits of Feeding Dogs and Cats with Natural Raw Diet

Natural Diet. Dogs and animals are natural scavengers, they eat raw meat in the wild. Dogs naturally eat raw food. There has never been a case of anyone reporting a wild dog first sparking up the barbie before they ate a nice portion of ribs. Raw is natural. Dog eating raw bone shows a mirror what a dog would be getting in the wild - and certainly even the modern day dog has a digestive tract exactly the same as a wolf.

Busy Dogs. Raw meaty bones will keep your dog happy and quiet for hours (yay!). Hard bones are very tough for the dogs to eat, but they will keep going back to them over and over for a chew. A nice big bone can keep your dog occupied for hours and will allow you a little time to get on with whatever you want uninterrupted. e all like a little peace now and then!

Healthy Teeth & Gum plus Fresh Breathe. You can, of course use a dog toothpaste and a toothbrush to clean a dog’s teeth. If you supply your dog with a good few bones each week then they will do the job for you, no need for toothbrushes, de-scaling jobs, or gum disease.
Poop and Glands. Dog glands naturally empty themselves, but a lot of owners find this is not the case. It is much more likely to be a problem in later life for many dogs. The problem occurs because of a lack of fiber. Raw bones, once again, are the answer. Feeding relatively soft bones to your dog will go a long way to solving the problem. The fiber from the softer bones will pass through your dog and naturally help to empty the sacs. The dog poop, much less stools produced - and they are firm, and turn chalky after a couple of days.

Right rate of Growth. Puppies develop at a more appropriate rate in rw diet - and quick growth spurts are avoided. A GOOD breeder will want to stop fast growth in any pup.
Mouth Exercise. The ripping and chewing involved in eating raw meaty bones develops the jaw, neck, and shoulder muscles of the dog. Commercial dog foods will never assist in this important muscle development.

Facts & Testimonials from Raw Feeders

It may be little expensive, more time consuming when preparing or just not to your liking. But in the long run, the benefits of healthier dog that eliminates some veterinary bills, less health issues and dogs have longer life.. which much cheaper and should be.

Most dogs have suffer many tummy problems, most especially caused by errors and incompatibility of commercial food while .

Dogs do NOT always need regular meal times.

Allergies their dogs previously had on commercial foods, disappear once they start with the raw diet.

Dogs are living longer on a raw diet than what their other dogs previously had survived on commercial dog foods.

Their bitches managed their pregnancies better.

Better weight and survival figures in puppies.

Dogs who were previously un-energetic, and sluggish become completely new dogs once the raw diet feeding begins.

Arthritis has significantly reduced or disappeared in some dogs switched to raw.

Raw Food vs Commercial Food

The dog's food should never be cooked. It should be fed in a raw natural state like nature intended. Cooking a dog's food ruins most of the nutritional value.

Dog foods have as their main ingredient cereals - the main ingredient your dog should be eating is raw meaty bones. And it is these very cereals that cause a range of problems such as allergies.

The vast majority of commercial dog foods have far too much carbohydrates in them. High levels of carbohydrates are linked to over-eating, diabetes, weight gain, and numerous other problems. Dogs should eat a diet with only a small amount of carbs.

Dogs should have access to raw meaty bones. These clean their teeth, work and develop their neck and jaw muscles, and the chewing action prepares their stomach for the incoming food mass. Chewing bones also slows down the eating process considerably, making it far harder for a dog to over eat.

Commercial dog foods are laden with preservatives, colors (dyes), and salt. They have additives to make the food taste better so that the dogs will overeat.
There is no substitute for a raw diet.

Vets most probably recommending a commercial diet because of financial inducements and a lack of independent learning. f your vet tells you that raw bones are not good for dogs, then go find yourself a new and sensible vet.

Reminders on Raw Feeding

Never feed cooked bones, as they are extremely dangerous. They shatter easily.

Freeze pork bones for three weeks before feeding as there is a very slight chance of the dogs getting a fatal bacterial disease. This is extremely unlikely, but it is better to be safe.

There are parts of chicken bones that are sharp when broken and will tend to press on dogs soft stomach and intestines. Remove the thin bone in chicken thighs as it is very sharp. The rest of a whole chicken is fine though. Dogs love chicken or turkey necks.

Learn the best tips and selections of Dog Bones & Treats and Chew Bones from Pet Street Mall

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